Owner/Client: Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District (Regional San)
Sacramento County’s wastewater treatment plant is the largest discharger of treated wastewater to inland waterways in California. The discharge location is just upstream of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Regional San is proposing upgrades to several treatment plant processes, including filtration (tertiary), disinfection, and ammonia removal. Thorough modeling is being conducted to determine the effect of treated wastewater on downstream water users, fisheries, and the overall Delta resources. Regional San is pursuing State Revolving Fund financing in support of this effort, therefore the analysis will address the State Water Resources Control board CEQA “Plus” requirements. Ascent is leading consultation with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Ascent will also assist in procuring necessary environmental permits, including Section 404 permits.
- 2016 Outstanding Environmental Analysis Document, Association of Environmental Professionals