Owner/Client:     California Department of Parks and Recreation, and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

The Auburn State Recreation Area General Plan and Resource Management Plan is a comprehensive land management plan for the approximately 33,000 acre Auburn State Recreation Area. The plan includes lands along the North and Middle Forks of the American River that are owned by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and Bureau of Land Management, and managed by the California Department of Parks and Recreation (CDPR). Ascent is leading the development of an integrated General Plan and Resource Management Plan that meets the requirements of both CDPR and Reclamation, as well as the preparation of an EIR and EIS to evaluate the environmental effects of the plan.

Key natural resource issues include the protection of habitat for special status wildlife at heavily used recreation sites, the identification and management of invasive species, and the management of forests to protect habitat integrity while reducing wildfire risks. Cultural resource issues include protecting hundreds of Native American sites and historic resources related to mining, ranching, and railroads, while providing public education and interpretation opportunities. Issues related to recreation planning include managing conflicts between different user groups, and identifying facilities and infrastructure necessary for public access and safety while preserving the natural character of the area.

Ascent is responsible for all aspects of the planning process including resource inventories, mapping, and assessments; the development of goals, guidelines, and management zones; the preparation and evaluation of alternatives; and public and stakeholder engagement. In addition, Ascent is leading the preparation of the EIR and EIS for adoption of the plan and ensuring the plan is consistent with applicable state and federal requirements.