Owner/Client:   Battelle

Ascent staff have been selected to serve as Biology and Ecology Experts for Independent External Peer Review of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) projects. The peer review process is a requirement of projects that have projected construction and mitigation cost of more than $45 million in accordance with the Water Resources Development Act. The review panels, typically including experts representing several technical disciplines, evaluate technical studies and environmental documents and prepare formal comments that include the supporting basis for the comment, significance of the comment, and recommendations to resolve the comment. Ultimately, these comments are presented to USACE in a final report, and often are presented to the USACE Civil Works Review Board as part of the approval and funding process for the project. Ascent participated in the independent external peer review panel as a subcontractor to Battelle for the following projects:

  • Sutter Basin Pilot Feasibility Study and Draft Feasibility Report - EIS/EIR
  • Berryessa Creek, Santa Clara County, General Reevaluation Study Draft General Reevaluation Report and EIS/EIR
  • Orestimba Creek Flood Risk Management Project Feasibility Study, West Stanislaus County
  • West Sacramento Project, California General Reevaluation Report, Flood Risk Management Project