Owner/Client:      California Department of Fish and Wildlife

California Department of Fish and Wildlife developed the State Wildlife Action Plan, 2015 Update (SWAP 2015) as comprehensive plan for conserving California’s fish and wildlife and their vital natural habitats for future generations. Ascent led the consultant team to assist CDFW with preparation of the plan, which establishes a strategic vision of the integrated conservation efforts needed to sustain the tremendous biodiversity of fish and wildlife resources found in the state. Significant climate-related changes to California’s environment have been documented in the last decade, including sea level rise, natural community shifts, increased prevalence of invasive species, increased number and intensity of wildfires, and prolonged drought. SWAP 2015 has considered these climate-induced effects, as well as other pressures on wildlife populations and habitats, and identifies statewide and regional conservation strategies to protect the state’s natural resources.

Employing an ecosystem approach to conserve and manage diverse habitats and species, SWAP 2015 provides a blueprint for actions necessary to address the highest priorities for conserving California’s aquatic, marine, and terrestrial resources. Its implementation relies on making important and helpful conservation information more accessible to resource managers and the public, and on developing lasting partnerships with a broad array of governments, agencies, organizations, businesses, and citizens. SWAP 2015 describes key conservation factors crucial to the sustainability of California ecosystems, and for each geographic province, provides specific conservation strategies that will reduce or ameliorate negative impacts to ecological systems or enhance the quality vital to the natural landscapes of California.


  • 2016 Outstanding Environmental Resource Document, Association of Environmental Professionals