Owner/Client: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation/California State Parks/Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
California State Parks and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation proposed geomorphic restoration of an Upper Truckee River reach that crosses Lake Valley State Recreation Area and Washoe Meadows State Park to improve natural functions of the river and reduce eroding fine sediments, which contribute to the diminished clarity of Lake Tahoe. River restoration requires reconfiguration of the Lake Tahoe Golf Course to make room for a fully functioning riparian system and eliminate erosion problems. The reconfiguration includes placing several golf holes on the west side of the river in Washoe Meadows State Park. The project was controversial, because adjacent residents objected to the relocation of golf holes into the state park. Ascent staff directed preparation of the EIR/EIS/EIS on behalf of State Parks as lead agency under CEQA, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation as federal lead agency under NEPA, and TRPA as lead agency in accordance with the Compact and Code of Ordinances. The proposed restoration would result in several environmental benefits, including improved fish habitat, improved riparian habitat, restoration of stream environment zone, and reduction in fine sediments in the river. Key issues included construction-period water quality, tree removal within the forest habitat of Washoe Meadows State Park, non-golf recreation access, cultural resources, hydrologic changes to a sensitive fen, and potential for noise and aesthetic impacts to adjacent residents.