Owner/Client:      Placer County/Tahoe Regional Planning Agency

The Tahoe City Marina is located on the north shore of Lake Tahoe in the Placer County community of Tahoe City.  The Tahoe City Marina Expansion Master Plan was proposed as a total buildout plan to maximize the development potential of the marina, including an additional 144 boat slips built in two phases. Additional space would be provided for a cross-lake ferry, water taxis, and excursion boats using the marina to reach Tahoe City as a destination. Ascent key staff directed the preparation of an EIR/EIS for the Tahoe City Marina Expansion Master Plan. The expansion has been planned through the TRPA master plan steering committee process, and the EIR/EIS was prepared with continuous steering committee consultation. Key project issues include water quality, attainment of TRPA thresholds, compliance with the Basin 208 Plan and water quality regulations, visual effects, traffic and parking, site coverage, and pedestrian/bicycle circulation. The EIR/EIS was certified and the Master Plan was approved.