Owner/Client:      California Conservation Corps/California Department of General Services

Because of structural and operating deficiencies at its prior facility, the California Conservation Corps sought to relocate its Tahoe Base Center to a permanent location in Meyers, California.  At a site on the southeast corner of US 50 and Apache Avenue, collectively referred to as the Sterling Village/Yank’s Station site, two parcels were acquired by the Department of General Services in 2007. The proposed project includes structural modifications and interior renovations to the Sterling Village dormitory building; the demolition of the existing administration building and the construction of a new multi-purpose building; and the demolition of the existing Yank’s Station building and the construction of a new administration building. The project would also involve landscaping, including the addition of a vegetative buffer between US 50 and the Yank’s Station parking area, and new concrete walkways. The environmental review for the project included the preparation of an IS/MND pursuant to CEQA for the acquisition of the Sterling Village/Yank’s Station site and development plans to implement the project. Ascent staff led the preparation of environmental documents, supporting technical studies, and the TRPA permit application for the relocation of the California Conservation Corps Tahoe Base Center.  The IS/MND was successfully completed and the project was built in 2013.