Owner/Client:      County of San Diego, Department of Planning and Development Services

Serving in adjunct staff positions for the County of San Diego’s Planning and Development Services (PDS) department, Ascent specialists are assisting the County in implementing its adopted Climate Action Plan (CAP) (June 2012). Ascent helps the County track the implementation of its GHG reduction measures and progress towards established reduction targets. This process involves the standardization of data collection and reporting procedures among various County departments and external agencies to allow ongoing monitoring and annual progress reports. CAP measures or related actions implemented to date that are achieving GHG reductions were identified in coordination with PDS’s Advance Planning Division. The implementation program also identified potential code changes, ordinances, incentives, programs or other steps needed to implement CAP measures and achieve the reduction targets. This work led to the preparation of a CAP Implementation Plan and a Progress Report for presentation to the County Board of Supervisors. Also serving as technical reviewers for PDS’s Project Planning Division, Ascent reviews applicant-submitted air quality and climate change technical studies and CEQA document sections for technical accuracy and consistency with the County’s Guidelines for Determining Significance and Report Format and Content Requirements.