Owner/Client: City of Sacramento
Adopted in 2012, the City of Sacramento’s Climate Action Plan served as a milestone implementation program called for in the Sacramento 2030 General Plan. It built upon a strong history of local and regional sustainability initiatives. In addition to GHG reduction strategies, the Climate Action Plan included an assessment of potential climate change effects in the Sacramento region and vulnerability to increased risks associated with these effects, which include rising average temperatures, more variable precipitation patterns, sea level rise, more frequent and extreme storm events, and reduced snowpack in the Sierra Nevada. Adaptation strategies and specific implementing actions were identified to improve community resilience over time, many of which also have the co-benefit of reducing GHGs. Key adaptation strategies included:
- Prepare for increases in average temperature
- Preserve and expand water sources and respond to variable water supplies
- Respond to increases in energy demands and variable supplies
- Protect the public from increased health risks and safety hazards
- Promote a climate-resilient economy
- Respond to potential impacts to public infrastructure
- Protect natural ecosystems and migration routes
- 2013 Climate Change Document Merit Award, Association of Environmental Professionals
- 2012 Award of Merit for Innovation in Green Community Planning, California Chapter – American Planning Association
- 2012 Award of Merit for Innovation in Green Community Planning, Sacramento Valley Region – American Planning Association